Collaborative gaming

Portal 2 introduced me to a new shiny world with a new jargon all of its own.  I learned about push to talk and  in game chat clients and how to play with someone else.  I also set up my  steam account (though it may have been earlier).

It isn’t that simple, in that you have to look at joint aims not just your own.

The picture shows the Logo for Aperture Laboratories, the fictional site of the Portal game

Aperture Science We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us. Except the ones who are dead.

Portal 2 was – like the first version – very funny and again it was a puzzle – you needed to engage your brains.  It wasn’t like the FPS, I reasoned, where you just go around on a killing spree.  I now think that I had hugely underestimated most computer games.  If it really was just point and shoot then people would pretty soon lose all interest in them.  So we played Portal 2 and found that we talked about it, shared jokes about it, laughed together at it, and when we finally finished it together it was a huge high for us both.  At long last I saw the point of games – doing them together.

But Portal 3 is a long way off, and so I returned to Transport tycoon, Bioshock and Civ5 whilst  Beloved turned to Assassins Creed and other titles.



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